Live Healthy SC Data Walk Summary
On March 25th, Impact York County (IYC) and SC Dept. of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) held the Live Healthy SC – York County Data Walk. It focused on presenting county level data, identifying health priorities, and discussion of next steps to create our county wide health improvement plan. The data walk was open to all who work, live, and care about the health of York County and we had approximately 60 people in attendance.
During the data walk, attendees had the chance to visit data stations in the follow categories (see attached document):
Access to Care: Insurance Status, Delayed Medical Care, Primary Care, Dental Care
Maternal & Child Health: Prenatal Care Entry, Breastfeeding Initiation, Teen Births, Infant Mortality, Preterm Birth, Low Birthweight
Chronic Diseases & Risk Factors: Associated Chronic Diseases, Healthy Eating/Active Living, Cancer
Infectious Diseases: Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections
Behavioral Health: Mental Health, Depression, Suicide, Alcohol, Tobacco, Substance Abuse
Injury: Heat Related, Homicide, Assault, Traumatic Brain Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents
Cross Cutting: Leading Causes of Death, Poverty Status, Income Inequality, Life Expectancy
Demographics: Housing, Population, Education, Employment
Each data station was staffed by a SC DHEC employee to explain what the data was showing/saying. Attendees spent about an hour rotating through the different data stations.
Once all data stations were visited, attendees had time to discuss what they had just seen. There was a question-and-answer discussion, which led to voting on the top three health priorities attendees felt we could make a difference in. The top three priorities that received the most votes were:
Behavioral Health
Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL)
Attendees then signed up to be a part of workgroups that will create goals and strategies to address the issues. This information will be presented in a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), eventually leading to action plans for each workgroup.
Next Steps:
A doodle poll will be sent out to those that signed up to be on a workgroup. If you did not have a chance to sign up, please contact Candra Riley at by April 6th.
Share this information with your organization
Data posters are housed at the Rock Hill Health Dept., if you would like to display them at you organization or during a meeting, please contact Candra Riley at for more information on how to reserve.
Want to get involved in a Coalition in York County?
Impact York County – Co-Chairs Sheila Wright and David Lisk; HPHC Coordinator Shekinah Miller
Food Policy Council/Food Access – contact Lynn Caldwell
Live Healthy SC
Snapshot and Life Expectancy Map
Contact Name(s) & Information:
Candra Riley, MPH Shekinah Miller, MS
Health Educator SC DHEC Program and Project Coordinator, Impact York County
803-239-6937 704-572-2150
Note: You will need Adobe Reader to view the following documents. Download it for free here.
Access to Care York County:
Behavioral Health York County:
Chronic Disease York County:
Obesity/Nutrition/Physical Activity
Hypertension/Stroke/Heart Disease
Cross-Cutting York County:
Demographics York County:
Infectious Disease York County:
Injury York County:
Violent Injuries/Homicides/Suicides
Maternal & Infant Health YC:
Preterm Birth/Low Birthweight/